Wednesday, April 22, 2020

More Bad News About Covid-19

The more I hear about this virus, the worse it gets. A friend of mine is in the medical field, working the front lines, and mentioned problems certain survivors (especially those requiring ventilators) face: the permanent lung scarring is already fairly well-known, but apparently another problem is kidney damage; something about the virus replacing the iron in hemoglobin, which does something-or-other with the end result that many of these poor people will either need a new kidney, or have to be on dialysis for the rest of their lives. 

When I first did the voluntary self-quarantine (voluntary meaning, I stayed out of the thrift stores and other favorite haunts even when they were still open), my basic attitude was "I'm not too worried about what would happen to Jeff or me if we caught it, as I'm sure we'd be fine and make full recoveries; I'm concerned about passing it to someone who CAN'T handle it due to immune-system problems or other high-risk factors." But at some point in the past couple of weeks, that changed to "Also I am worried about me and mine."

Another concern: the Worldometers site lists the number of people who have recovered from the virus in various states and countries -- but I have not yet found any data breaking down those who recovered: how many made full recoveries and are now just as healthy as before they got sick, how many recovered but have permanent lung damage, how many recovered but their kidneys are shot ....

Tl;dr: Don't go out if you don't have to, people. And if you DO have to, then for Zod's sake wear a mask and gloves, wash your hands, and follow the other anti-contamination protocols. Russian roulette is a stupid game to play even if there's only two or three bullets in a hundred-chamber gun.


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