Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Get Thee Behind Me, Sisyphus

Ever have one of those annoying Sisyphus dreams where you keep trying and keep failing to complete some absurdly simple task? I recently one such experience in real life, and the short version is: I'm typing this on a borrowed computer while my old one's being updated; 'twas too slow and clunky to accomplish even the simplest task. That's why it took me longer than usual to write this piece for today's Daily Dot: An Ex-Stripper's Open Letter to Michael Brutsch. (Side note: my career would doubtless be more illustrious, if I'd quit being so continually surprised by the notion "Gee, when I write about sex it -- I dunno -- seems to go over better than do my earnest libertarian political treatises emphasizing the primacy of the individual vis a vis the state." Hmm. Am I detecting a pattern here?)

In other news: the presidential election is over although Fox News doesn't quite seem to realize it, the TSA is as bad as ever, and I'm still basking in the irony that for the first time in my life I have money and time enough to consider a vacation someplace off the North American continent, yet I still can't go anywhere because my country's actual national security policy states "Can't see London, can't see France, unless TSA roots inside your underpants." And I'm just not willing to allow that, and I allude to my reason why in my opinion piece for the Dot.


Anonymous smartass sob said...

yet I still can't go anywhere because my country's actual national security policy states "Can't see London, can't see France, unless TSA roots inside your underpants." And I'm just not willing to allow that,

So to hell with flying - take a cruise instead.

7:29 PM  
Anonymous Nullifier said...

You might like Maggie McNeill's "Honest Courtesan" blog over at if you're not already familiar with it. She's pretty damn smart, and a good read if you're stuck at the office with nothing much to do.

Just sayin'

8:50 AM  
Blogger Jennifer Abel said...

Smartass, I don't have time and money enough to cross the ocean on a ship IN ADDITION to touring various countries, Remember, this is America, not Europe with its six-week mandated vacations. It's also why "just drive" isn't a realistic option if I want to see something on the opposite side of the continent from me.

10:21 AM  

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