Polygamous Affairs
As you rightly suspect, I'm building up to another blog infidelity confession: one of my friends from Advocate days is now running for Congress as a Ruh ... a Repu ... a Repub ... a member of the party where you could vote for Ron Paul last Super Tuesday, and since I have little else to do these days I agreed to blog about the campaign for him.
Note from the attached photo, taken two days ago, how badly overdue I am for a haircut. Not that I have any intention of getting one.
The fact that you've coined the word "monogablogamous" makes up for any straying you have done.
[Insert crude "lip service" joke here.]
Your admission of sin and contrition are indeed admirable. I greatly desire to grant forgiveness. Nevertheless the WORD is the WORD, and so must be followed by the faithful.
I go now to gather. And weep for your wicked folly.
C'mon Jen,
Fess up on the real reason you are blogging for a Republican Congressional candidate: So that that 9/11 conspiracy link won't be the first thing that pops up when a prospective employer googles you.
PS: RE: your blogging around on us. I forgave you before, I'll forgive you again. I love the picture especially because of the in-need-of-a-hair-cut look. It appears like it would be heaven to bury one's fingers and nose in those georgeous red curls.
I have a bit of a hair fetish anyway that mostly has to do with smelling freshly washed and conditioned hair. ahhhhh!
Fess up on the real reason you are blogging for a Republican Congressional candidate: So that that 9/11 conspiracy link won't be the first thing that pops up when a prospective employer googles you.
That WAS the plan, yes.
The bad news: the blog doesn't show up on actual "blog" searches, which means it can't knock 9/11 off the top.
The good news: my name has, in fact, come up in a few non-9/11 blog posts since then.
The bad news: it's appearing on neo-Nazi blogs who are upset over something a former colleague of mine wrote last year, and so the Nazis have cut-and-pasted all the names and e-mails from the Advocate's "Contact Us" page.
Jennifer Abel: known to neo-Nazis, 9/11 conspiracists and Republicans throughout the blogosphere!
My career is over.
Hey, you don't have your chin down in the picture.
I would think a haircut would take some strain off your neck muscles, but until then, jeez! you've got the mad Celtic goddess look nailed.
No offense intended, Your Most Powerful and Holy.
It is, in fact, the weight of the hair that is keeping her chin up.
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