Monday, November 23, 2020

The Trump Show: How Will It End?

The no-talent hack who wrote the year-2020 screenplay is clearly getting bored with the whole thing, and inventing evermore-implausible twists like "Have the insane lawyer's spray-on  hair dye melt down his face during a press conference." But I can't help wondering: how is the dysfunctional Trump show finally going to end?

1. He becomes the first ex-president in US history who refuses to leave of his own volition, and has to be carried bodily out of the White House
2. First ex-POTUS in American history to flee to a foreign country with no US extradition treaties
3. Tries to pardon himself on the way out, and has another meltdown upon being told that presidential pardons only apply to federal crimes, not state-level
4. Insists to the end that Democrats and/or "antifa" stole the election via "voter fraud," and repeats his earlier call for his followers to apply a, quote, "second amendment solution" to the problem
5. Behaves like a dignified adult and gives a concession speech paying lip service to presumptive American ideals like "democracy" and "the will of the people" ***
*** I know, that last one was thoroughly ludicrous. I blame it on the fact that I'm currently taking THREE scary-potent meds for various painful spine/nervous system problems I've developed, causing me to have weird hallucinatory thoughts like "Green ideas sleep furiously upon the rainy plains of Spain" and "Trump might actually do the right thing and put the common good ahead of his own narcissistic self-interest, at some point in his life."

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