Tomorrow is the first presidential election where I know for a fact the guy I choose won't win, because I'm voting for third-partier Gary Johnson rather than Robama or Obamney. Though if someone held a gun to my head and forced me to choose between the Republican or the Democrat, I'd probably vote for the Democrat and then bathe in a giant vat of Lysol in the vain hope of ever, ever feeling clean again. Neither candidate gives a damn about civil liberties issues: both support the TSA, the NDAA, warrantless surveillance, the drone wars and doubtless other monstrosities which haven't even come to light yet.
But at least Obama isn't in thrall to the modern Republican Party, which has long since abandoned all pretense of caring about small government or fiscal responsibility in lieu of doing its damnedest to stamp out non-procreative sexual activity while explaining why rape isn't as bad as people say and hardly ever leads to pregnancy and women impregnated by their rapists should consider such babies a consolation prize from God anyway.
It's like the difference in chimps vs. humans: their DNA is 99 percent identical and that
one percent difference is a doozy, but when you get right down to it
they're both just damn dirty stinking apes. Which is why I'm voting for
Johnson rather than Kodos, this year (mixed political metaphor alert).
So: in the unlikely event that Romney wins the election because he wins Virginia's electoral votes because he beat Obama by one vote in this state, I'll probably feel bad. But I doubt that will happen. My prediction for tomorrow: Obama will win, but with less electoral votes than in 2008. Some states that went for Obama in '08 might go for Romney this time, but
no states that chose McCain in '08 will vote Obama in '12.