I am the way, and the truth, and the life. The only way unto the Father is through Me.
—Jesus of Nazareth
“I can’t be dead!” she thought, and then
she felt a twinge of sharp surprise
when her soul tore from her body
and began to slowly rise.
The world around her disappeared
into a brilliant misty glow
and when it dissipated she
was in a place she didn’t know:
a featureless and formless void
through which she wandered all alone
until out of the blur ahead
she saw a man upon a throne
who called to her, “Come forth, my child.
The time has come: your judgment day.
Your sins and virtues, measured out,
determine where your soul will stay.
So now will I begin to judge
and after a short time will tell
whether you will go to heaven
or spend the rest of time in hell.”
She looked at his long hair and beard
and robes, and looked into his eyes,
and then knew who he was and gasped,
“It’s you! The savior, Jesus Christ!”
He nodded with a smile and said
“It’s very good that you know Me.
Now let me have your name so I
can read about your life to see
exactly what the Book of Life
records that you have done with yours.
Oh, my! Look here! It says that you
once owned a little chain of stores
and took most of the profits and
bought food and clothing for the poor,
scholarships for struggling students,
homeless shelters, and what’s more
you’d donate blood six times a year,
always helped your friends and neighbors,
spent your whole life serving others,
and to reward you for your labors
I’ll let you live in Paradise.
Go on and step through yonder door!
through its threshold you’ll find Heaven
and be happy forevermore.”
As she began to walk on through
she turned to him and, with a smile,
replied “I will say this much, Lord—
you do seem like a real nice guy!
Back when I lived upon the earth
I wish that I had known of this!
That way, I could have worshiped you.”
She smiled, ‘til her eyes met his
and then she took a small step back
to see the fury brewing there
as Jesus, lower lip a-trembling,
rose out of his golden chair
and hissed “Am I to understand
that you have never worshipped me?
Then I say damn you! Go to hell!
Yes, I mean that literally.”
Then through a door she didn’t see
an evil imp pulled her away
to one of Hell’s scorched prison suites
where still she burns unto this day.